I finally finished reading The Dark Is Rising on Tuesday - I have a few reflections I want to jot down sometime. I also finished listening to an audiobook last week. I haven't been listening to audio books as much as usual - I've only finished one this month, and it wasn't even very long. It's probably because 1) I haven't exercised as much as usual and 2) I've been listening to a lot more news podcasts, in an attempt to stay semi-informed of world events. Anyway, I have a few reflections on the audio book (The Commoner by John Burnham Schwartz), and I want to write them down before they evaporate.
Since I'm in such a rambling mood, I may as well continue and say that, in spite of exams and such, I've still managed to get a bit of reading done. It helps that I have such a hard time falling asleep at night - another opportunity to finish one more chapter. That's exactly what I did last night - another chapter of Washington Square by Henry James. The chapters are admittedly short. It's a good read, but I'll save my reflections for a separate post once I'm finished. I decided to put my reading of The Picture of Dorian Gray on hold for a while because it was making me think too much... too much about anthropology. Not necessarily a bad thing, but my brain is currently on sabbatical from thinking about anthropology.
I don't plan to do much studying tonight, but instead of curling up and finishing Washington Square (it's barely 200 pages long), I think perhaps I should clean my room. And the kitchen. And the bathroom.
Hmmm, maybe I should study instead...
The Hunting Wives by May Cobb
4 years ago
Hmmm... if by studying you mean "studying" and not "voxing", I applaud your use of studying to avoid housecleaning. ;-)
I have Washington Square sitting waiting for me. Middlemarch has slowed down my reading progress enormously. Since I own the copy of Middlemarch, and Washington Square is a library book (already renewed once), and since you say it's a fairly quick read, maybe I should read it this weekend, and then we can both comment on it, and compare notes. Yes, I think I'll do that. Thank you.
I haven't been exercising much at all (you've likely noticed the lack of exercising posts on my vox)... I seem to be busy doing things and stuff and whatnot, and being too tired at the end of it all to even think about exercising. Sigh.
I was just admiring the picture of Lotus admiring himself in the mirror, and imagining him saying "Oh beautiful pussy, oh pussy my love, what a beautiful pussy you are!" (as in "The Owl and the Pussycat")
Oh -- this is cool, the word verification I have to type is "sjnjcuk". Why is that cool, you ask? Because it made me think "Sinuhe". (Yeah, I know, it's a stretch, but... ...)
Reading Washington Square now sounds like a good idea, especially if it will be due soon. Just don't forget about Middlemarch afterwards. Sometimes I pause in reading a book but never get back to it (even though I intend to). I have several books like that sitting on my shelves, still waiting patiently.
Sinuhe... sjnjcuk, heehee... I can see it. Not that it's related, but "Sheshen" is Lotus in Egyptian (the name Susan is derived from the same word).
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