Saturday, April 12, 2008

Caturday Catch-up

My spring break has officially begun, and I'm back home with my kitty brothers. I remembered to bring my signed copy of the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats book, and Ping gave it a floofy hug of approval.

I have finished several (short) books over the last few weeks, and I'm behind in blogging about them. It's not for lack of anything to say, it's just been hard to find enough time to sit down and gather my thoughts.

Here's a possibly incomplete list of books I have neglected "mewsing" about. I hope to make it through the list by the end of Spring Break, and if not, at least blog about the Decades Challenge books and not get behind any further in my other books. Ideally, I want to write about books when they're freshest in my mind, but I'm a ways from that goal.
  1. Greenwitch by Susan Cooper, finished yesterday. I didn't enjoy it as much as The Dark Is Rising, but it is still a lovely book, woven richly with mythology
  2. On the same vein, I don't think I ever blogged about The Dark Is Rising, which I finished sometime last month
  3. Two books for the Decades Challenge: An Old Fashioned Girl by L.M.A. and
  4. Washington Square by Henry James. Very interesting when read together, but that's the topic for another post perhaps.
  5. A short novella (I'd call it a short story if it wasn't bound as a book) called Earth and Ashes by Atiq Rahimi
  6. An audiobook, Casino Royale by Ian Fleming - the first James Bond I've ever "read"... I got it on a whim and it was a surprise in some respects...
  7. The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis - I just finished that today. A quick read, written very simply but all the more powerful for its directness.
  8. I think that's it, but there are a few books from January I never wrote about either...

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